This received from Alison Telfer, Treasurer and Membership Secretary, Maritime History North

07907 060554


(Please note:  Capt Thomas will be circulating this same information, plus the application form, by email)


Hello and – welcome to our next Conference. For the first time we are blending ancient (well, 17th and 18th century) history with more modern (20th and 21st century) history because – history started yesterday!

And we are looking at that eternal scourge of seafarers – pirates! So whether you were brought up on swashbuckling Errol Flynn, Captain Pugwash or Captain Sparrow, do come along and learn a bit more. We have some excellent, experienced and erudite speakers (and then there is me!) who will take us on the journey from Davy Jones Locker to modern, international law.

As well as that, we are honoured and thrilled to be privileged to hold our Conference in the august setting of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House, an institution founded in the early 1500s and a stunning building rarely open to the public.

So, what could be better? A series of presentations taking us from the 1600s to the present day in the outstanding premises of one of the oldest institutions tasked with the safety of mariners.

Do join us for this exceptional opportunity – the usual tea, coffee and lunch are included alongside highly qualified speakers, all of whom have been involved in this field for many years, in the company of like-minded enthusiasts. How better to spend a day?

Trinity House is situated in the historic Quayside of Newcastle with convenient parking a few minutes away. Detailed directions and information will be sent out with tickets. Ticket application forms and the outline programme are attached and please note that places are strictly limited so do please apply early.

I look forward to hearing from you, do hope you can join us and maybe extend your day into a short staycation in this fabulous but under-appreciated part of the UK.

As ever we have kept the ticket cost as small as possible (we hope to cover our costs but rarely make a profit) and whilst appreciating that times are indeed difficult and budgets are tight, we do hope that you will decide to join us in this incredible and unique location for what we hope will be a fascinating and very different day.


Maritime History North in conjunction with The Society for Nautical Research and The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House present their Autumn 2022 Conference on

12th October 2022 at Trinity House, Broad Chare, Newcastle upon Tyne


Piracy!  Ancient and Modern

1000      Arrival

1030      Registration and tea/coffee

1100      Opening Address and Welcome                                         Lt Cdr Alison Telfer RD

1115      What is a Pirate? Corsairs, Buccaneers and Privateers

From early days to The Golden Age                                   Lt Cdr Alison Telfer RD

1200    The Battle of Cape Lopez in 1722 – the end of the

The Golden Age of Piracy                                                      Dr David Davies, Chairman SNR

1245     Lunch and Guided Tour of Trinity House

1400     Operation Ocean Shield                                                        Commander Ian Berry MBE RD AFNI DL

1445     Countering Modern Piracy                                                   Captain David Bancroft MNM

Security Officer, Chevron Shipping

1530      Questions and Discussions

1600      Close



Piracy! Ancient and Modern

Ticket prices (including Conference Fee, tea/coffee and buffet lunch and a private, hosted tour of Trinity House, a beautiful and historic building in the heart of old Newcastle) are as follows:

Students (upon production of proof of full time education)         ,

MR personnel (upon production of a valid ID card)                                                         £25


Full members of the sponsoring organisations:

(Maritime History North and the Society for Nautical Research)                                 £30


Full members of The Collingwood Society and Brethren of Trinity House                 £30


All other applicants                                                                                                                  £35

Tickets are obtainable either electronically (email) or traditionally (snail mail).


Please email me (Lt Cdr Alison Telfer RD) at with your name (including rank and post nominals, if applicable), details of your discount-enabling affiliation (if applicable) and confirmation of electronic payment.  Payment should be made to:

Account name:              Maritime History North

Sort code:                    40-46-21

Account number:        21484400

Reference:                   TH22 / [your surname]

Upon receipt of these, your ticket (which must be printed and brought with you), welcome letter and joining instructions will be e-mailed to you.


Please complete the tear-off portion below and send this, with your cheque made payable to “Maritime History North” to me.  Upon receipt, your ticket (which you must bring with you) and welcome letter will be posted or emailed to you.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me either by email (as above) or by phone – mobile 07907 060554.


From:                                                                                                 Please send me ___ tickets at £___ each

Name ————————————————               Cheque total £________ is enclosed.

Address: ——————————————–              Discount-enabling affiliation ________________



Please send your completed form and cheque to “Treasurer, Maritime History North”, 3 Stray Towers, Victoria Road,

Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 0LJ.

Please advise any dietary requirements:


Posted in: News & Events