Archives: News & Events

Firepower, Food and Finance

Wednesday 13th June 2018:  7.30 pm:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House Our speaker, Vic Spong, will be examining the challenges of keeping the Mediterranean Fleet stocked with food, ammunition, water, men and other essentials.  The supply chain stretched far

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‘Nautical Pub names and their histories’

Thursday 12th April 2018:  7.30 pm:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House Society Chairman Capt. Stephen Healy delivers a light-hearted departure from our normal scholarly topics, looking into the nautical-themed names of public houses, near and far, past and present. 

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The 2018 Collingwood Lecture: ‘The Age of Collingwood – a personal view’

The Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School (Performing Arts Centre):  Tuesday 6th March 20018:  7.30pm. Captain Richard Woodman, LVO, Elder Brother of the London Trinity House is an award-winning and hugely prolific author.  His works, both fiction and non-fiction, number

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“Do you anchor, Hardy?”

Thursday 7th December 2017: 7.30pm:  The Newcastle Upon Tyne Trinity House Society member  David Byrne tackles the thorny question of Nelson’s dying order to anchor the fleet as the Battle of Trafalgar came to a close versus Collingwood’s decision to

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2017 Annual General Meeting

2017 Annual General Meeting: the Newcastle Upon Tyne Trinity House: Wednesday 8th November 2017: 7.30pm This year’s AGM takes place as indicated here and will be followed by a short, fairly light-hearted quiz.  Please be reminded that we are looking

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Trafalgar Day 2017 reports and gallery

Trafalgar Day 2017 Images and reports on Trafalgar commemorations at various venues….   St. Paul’s Cathedral, London: 20th October:  The Society was represented here by Ian Wallace, who accompanied members of the Collingwood family to the annual commemorations.  Images courtesy

Posted in: Archived news, News & Events

Trafalgar Commemorations 2017

Trafalgar Commemorations 2017 This year’s Trafalgar Commemorations are spread across two days, due to the 21st itself falling on a Saturday and certain places preferring the nearest week-day, rather than the actual anniversary. Events at which the Collingwood Society is

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The Royal Marines

Tuesday 26th September: 7.30pm:  The Newcastle Upon Tyne Trinity House Lt-Col Jack Ashman, ex-Commanding Officer of the Royal Marines Reserve (Tyne), looks at the history of the Royal Marines, with an emphasis on the Trafalgar period.  This is not an

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Special Offer: ‘Admiral Collingwood – Nelson’s Own Hero’ – Max Adams

The Collingwood Society has a limited number of signed copies of the 2015 (2nd) edition of this definitive modern work on the Admiral.  It is highly recommended for those who wish to learn more about the Admiral and his lifetime’s devotion to

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Collingwood’s Midshipmen

Thursday 7th September 2017, 19.30 hrs:  Morpeth Town Hall Collingwood Society Secretary, author and regular speaker Dr. Tony Barrow returns to one of his ever-popular themes with this talk on ‘Collingwood’s Midshipmen’, some of whom were from his native north-east. This is part of Morpeth’s

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