Archives: News & Events

The 2020 Collingwood Lecture: the Conservation and Presentation of Historic Wooden Warships

Tuesday 10th March:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School – Miller Theatre:  7.30 pm History has left us with the remains of wooden warships throughout the ages, some above the surface, some below.  Fortunately too, there are specialists who

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Cook’s Second Voyage

Thursday 30th January:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House:  7.30 pm Society trustee and regular speaker Dr Tony Barrow opens this year’s programme with the story of the ‘Terra Australis’ expedition.  The second voyage was of particular interest for a

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Bover and his Gang: The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House: Thursday 5th December: 7.30pm.

Our last event of the year is coming up and should prove a popular one. Regular speaker Dr Tony Barrow will present on one of his personal favourite local characters in Bover and his Gang at the Newcastle upon Tyne

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2019 AGM and Quiz

Thursday 7th November 2019:  7.30pm:  the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House: Collingwood Society 2019 Annual General Meeting, followed by Quiz.   Our AGM meeting is around again.  Business will be expedited as quickly as possible, but is actually both legally

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Trafalgar Day 2019 events

Gateshead. St Mary’s Churchyard. Sunday 20th October 2019 15.00 At the grave of JW Trotter.  Assemble in the Church (visitor’s centre) from 14.30 onwards. Refreshments available afterwards. Newcastle upon Tyne. St Nicholas’ Cathedral. Monday 21st October 2019 10.00 Assemble in

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Pickle Night 2019

Good Day Fellow Society members and Friends of the Admiral, Well, it’s that time of year again…  Pickle Night approaches. Following a successful inaugural event last year, there were calls to repeat it this year, such was the fun had

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The Funeral of Nelson

Another Society debutant, Terry Walton, is to deliver our next talk – ‘the Funeral of Nelson’ at 7.30 pm, on Tuesday 15th October 2019 at the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House. Nelson’s funeral was quite definitely the grandest state occasion

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Justice in the Georgian Navy

Tuesday 9th July 2019:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House:  7.30pm. Society Member Tim Gittins takes a ‘professional’ look at justice in the Georgian Navy.  Sobering and inhumane by today’s standards maybe, but it has to be recognised as the

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2019 Summer Outing

‘Old Sunderland’  (incorporating the Aged Merchant Seamen’s Homes [Trafalgar Square], the Trafalgar memorial, Jack Crawford’s grave, the Sunderland Maritime Heritage workshops, the ‘WILLDORA‘ [Dunkirk little ship] and the Boar’s Head [lunch] Summer Outing time again and this year, we are

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Ships named CALLIOPE

Wednesday 8th May 2019:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House:  7.30pm. Commander Andrew Collier RNR, DL is another Society member making his presentation debut this year.  A past-Commanding Officer of Gateshead’s RNR training establishment, Cdr Collier will be telling us

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