2015 Annual General Meeting and ‘Forebitters’ session

The 2015 Annual General Meeting of the Collingwood Society will take place at the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House at 19.30 hours on Tuesday 27th October 2015.  It will be followed by a ‘Forebitter’ Session – any member can have

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Songs of Collingwood and the Napoleonic Era’ 10th September 2015: Morpeth Town Hall

Thursday 10th September 2015, 19.00 for 19.30:  Morpeth Town Hall ‘Songs of Collingwood and the Napoleonic Era’: an evening of musical entertainment from Pete Wood, founder member of the well-known local harmony group ‘The Keelers’. Some of you will recall

Posted in: News & Events

The Collingwood Timeline

(Time in Newcastle and Morpeth in bold, at sea or seeking a ship in London in ordinary). In Newcastle 1748-1761: 1748 – Cuthbert Collingwood born on 26th September in a house on the Side, Newcastle. 1759 – Attends Royal Grammar School.
Posted in: Collingwood articles

Admiral Lord Collingwood: a biographical sketch

Cuthbert Collingwood was born in Newcastle upon Tyne in 1748 into a large family, the eldest of three sons. The Collingwoods were an old Northumbrian family, though the Admiral’s father, also Cuthbert, was a trader without land or fortune. The
Posted in: Collingwood articles

Collingwood – Northumberland’s Heart of Oak (Audio Book)

The Collingwood 2010 Festival website is pleased and honoured to be able to provide here Max Adam's wonderful 'Collingwood - Northumberland's Heart of Oak' as an audio book, read by the author himself. The book is divided into 12 parts,
Posted in: Collingwood articles

Cuthbert Collingwood’s Schooldays

Given that it has been in existence since the 16th century, and the important role it has played in the life of the city, the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle, has had its share of distinguished former students (known as Old
Posted in: Collingwood articles

Collingwood at Trafalgar

Collingwood, as Nelson’s second-in-command, led one of the two columns that struck the line of the Franco-Spanish Combined Fleet shortly after midday on 21 October 1805. The aim was to engage and defeat the enemy rear while Nelson went for
Posted in: Collingwood articles

21st October 1805, 0800 hours: and now, the Shipping Forecast…

At frequent intervals since 1805, the argument as to whether Collingwood made the right choice after the Battle of Trafalgar is re-run.  This of course relates to his decision to deliberately sacrifice a number of prizes and for the fleet to run for Gibraltar
Posted in: Other historical articles

Lord Collingwood’s links with Menorca.

One of Menorca’s foremost groups, the Asociación Menorca Britannia actively encourages and promotes a better understanding of the historic and cultural links between the Menorquin people and the British community. Since 1708 and the arrival of the British during the
Posted in: Collingwood articles

A Tribute in Song:

Tyneside folk singer and song writer Pete Wood has composed a song in honour of Admiral Lord Collingwood.  The work was first performed in public on the evening of 7th March 2010, 200 years to the day since Collingwood's death.  It is entitled
Posted in: Collingwood articles