Archives: News & Events

2017 Summer Outing

Saturday 20th May 2017, 11am – 3pm: The gardens of Collingwood House, Morpeth, Northumberland Feedback from the membership encouraged us to stage more social events and this is in response to that request.  Although there is history to be seen

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The 2017 Collingwood Lecture: Naval Surgery during the French Wars 1792-1815

Thursday 9th March 2017, 1930hrs:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School (Performing Arts Centre, doors open 1900 hrs). A real treat, but we tactfully suggest you consider delaying your evening meal until after attending this, our prestigious annual lecture,

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‘Prisoner of the Sea’

Tuesday 14th February 2017, 19.30 hrs:  Trinity House, Newcastle upon Tyne Collingwood biographer and Society member Max Adams presents new insights into our Admiral from his private and public correspondence. In much the same way as social media is used

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Master & Commander – the life and career of John William Trotter RN

Thursday 26th January 2017:  19.30:  St. Mary’s Heritage Centre, Gateshead John William Trotter, a son of Gateshead, was the Master of HMS LEVIATHAN at the Battle of Trafalgar.  The venue for tonight’s talk is appropriate, as John is buried in

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The Great Mutinies

Thursday 1st December, 7.30pm.  The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House. The way in which their Lordships at the Admiralty viewed (and treated) their sailors at the end of 1797 led to mutinies onboard Royal Navy ships off Portsmouth at Spithead

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2016 Annual General Meeting and tour of the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House

The 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Collingwood Society will take place at 1930 hours on Tuesday 8th November at the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House.   On completion of formalities, a private tour of the House will be offered

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Trafalgar Day 21st October 2016

Trafalgar Day events at which the Collingwood Society is represented: NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE:   the Cathedral Church of St Nicholas:  10.00 hrs:  public event:  assemble in the Eastern Chapel at 09.45 hrs for a parade around to the main door

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Affiliation marked at ceremony

The Collingwood Society is now officially affiliated with HMS COLLINGWOOD On 22nd July 2016, at the kind invitation of Capt. Andy Jordan RN, Commanding Officer of the Royal Navy’s Maritime Warfare School and HMS COLLINGWOOD, Capt. Stephen Healy, Chairman of

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Alexander Davison and the Swarland Estate

Thursday 8th September 2016:  Morpeth Town Hall: 7.30pm: Following our summer break, the first meeting has traditionally been a part ofd the Heritage Weekend events in Morpeth and this year is no exception. We are pleased to return to the

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“Quilliam” – the life and career of Manxman John Quilliam (1771-1829) – Nelson’s Flag Lieutenant at the Battle of Trafalgar John Quilliam was an intertesting character in a number of ways – to begin with he was ‘pressed’, yet managed

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