We are back in business….

The Collingwood Society is pleased to announce that, following the easing of restrictions, we are resuming activities.  Please see additional posts detailing upcoming events.  

Posted in: News & Events

Trafalgar Day 2020

A very different Trafalgar Day to that which we have become accustomed over recent years.  As previously advised, events did take place, in one form or another and here are some of the highlights: HMS COLLINGWOOD: Captain Catherine Jordan RN,

Posted in: Archived news

Update on the 10,750 steps challenge.

UPDATE TO THE ORIGINAL SIGNAL BELOW: Lt Penny completed her alloted 207 ascents and descents of her home stairs (26 steps) in 1 hr  54 mins 40 secs. Lt Stewart completed his alloted 336 ascents and descents of his home

Posted in: Archived news

The 2019 Quiz

Hoping you are all surviving the lock-down and are in good health. As promised, for those who were not at the meeting, here is the 2019 Quiz, originally staged following the November 2019 AGM.  Of course, you can Google the

Posted in: Other historical articles

Programme suspended.

Due to prevailing circumstances, the Collingwood Society programme of events continues to be suspended. The trustees are in contact with each other and are continuing to monitor the COVID situation, especially as Winter approaches.  We will keep you advised further

Posted in: Archived news

The 2020 Collingwood Lecture: the Conservation and Presentation of Historic Wooden Warships

Tuesday 10th March:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Royal Grammar School – Miller Theatre:  7.30 pm History has left us with the remains of wooden warships throughout the ages, some above the surface, some below.  Fortunately too, there are specialists who

Posted in: News & Events

Cook’s Second Voyage

Thursday 30th January:  The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House:  7.30 pm Society trustee and regular speaker Dr Tony Barrow opens this year’s programme with the story of the ‘Terra Australis’ expedition.  The second voyage was of particular interest for a

Posted in: News & Events

Bover and his Gang: The Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House: Thursday 5th December: 7.30pm.

Our last event of the year is coming up and should prove a popular one. Regular speaker Dr Tony Barrow will present on one of his personal favourite local characters in Bover and his Gang at the Newcastle upon Tyne

Posted in: News & Events

2019 AGM and Quiz

Thursday 7th November 2019:  7.30pm:  the Newcastle upon Tyne Trinity House: Collingwood Society 2019 Annual General Meeting, followed by Quiz.   Our AGM meeting is around again.  Business will be expedited as quickly as possible, but is actually both legally

Posted in: News & Events

Trafalgar Day 2019 events

Gateshead. St Mary’s Churchyard. Sunday 20th October 2019 15.00 At the grave of JW Trotter.  Assemble in the Church (visitor’s centre) from 14.30 onwards. Refreshments available afterwards. Newcastle upon Tyne. St Nicholas’ Cathedral. Monday 21st October 2019 10.00 Assemble in

Posted in: News & Events